What if you could …
Have a wide range of life changing insights into yourself, your relationships and the nature of your world in just a few hours…
Find your true place in this world…
Relax and trust your decisions…
Joyfully experience and truly live from your unique and beautiful Self …
We all have questions
about the meaning & purpose of our lives…
And lots of people have answers…
Through combining both her unique, cutting edge Advanced Human Design Analysis and unique style of Transformational Counseling and Healing, Beverly will show you how to know these answers for yourself, to know what’s true in your own being and life, and how to achieve awakening, happiness and success that is exactly right for you, not someone else’s interpretation of how you should be or how it should be done.
Embodying a deeply penetrating and loving awareness she offers a grounded yet mystical method that catalyzes deep insights and healing, through a felt connection with your Deep Self.
You will receive practical direction on how to quickly resolve the kinks, stuck places, and unhealthy patterns that keep you, your career, your awakening, and your relationships down that otherwise may require long and arduous effort.
You will feel a true and felt connection to your Truest, Deepest Self and Wisdom, the realization of your exquisite and unique gifts that you innately have, and how to share all of this with the world.
A Quote from Beverly
“We are living our soul’s truest journey when we move out of pretense and posture and relax into what is real, what is most authentic and true for us, in our own unique and personal way… when we move to living a soul inspired life, not a mind directed, reasoned one.
It is my intention for everyone to know with absolute and utter certainty as an experience in their cells, who they are at their Essence, what their soul purpose, destiny and evolutionary path is this lifetime and how to live it. That they themselves are their most trustworthy guide and healer, and that they indeed have the capacity to successfully, effectively, and joyfully live, heal, and express themselves as the unique ray of Light that they are with grace, precision, confidence, self celebration, and ease.
I have committed my entire adult life to my own healing, self-discovery, and the embodiment of my highest Self expression. Along the way, a developing awareness, wisdom, compassion and Presence have revealed themselves..
It is truly my greatest joy and deepest soul purpose to offer this Wisdom/Presence in the Sacred Moments I get to share with you, while showing you the way home to your Self.”